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How to Join Us: Stages of Formation
Trinitarian PostulancyPostulancy

Postulancy is a time during in which one considering entering the Trinitarians comes to an understanding of his vocation, his ability to give of himself, his ability to live in community and knowledge of his God-given gifts. This is accomplished by living and praying in community and experiencing the charism of St. John de Matha manifest in our apostolic works. This experience usually lasts from one to two years.

Trinitarian NovitiateNovitiate

The novitiate, by which life in the Trinitarian order begins, has as its goal that novices better recognize their divine vocation, especially the call to our Order; that they experience the Order’s way of life; that they be formed in mind and heart by its spirit; and that their intention and suitability be tested. During the novitiate year, the focus is prayer, discernment, and an increased familiarity with the Trinitarian history and way of life.

Simple Profession

Trinitarian Simple ProfessionOnce the novitiate period with all its requirements is completed, the candidate is bonded to the Order by his temporary profession, by which he publicly vows to commit himself for one year, renewable in accord with our legislation. The profession of first vows, poverty, chastity and obedience, makes those who take them real participants in the consecration proper to the religious state.

During this time, those in simple vows engage in studies and programs of pastoral experience which will prepare them for future ministry as a priest or brother. Additionally, focus is placed upon spiritual, community, and human formation. The period of simple vows lasts from three to nine years.

Trinitarian Solemn ProfessionSolemn Profession

Solemn profession is a complete and definitive choice and consecration, a radical commitment conditioning every dimension of the life of the religious. Whoever makes solemn profession, makes through the Church, a total offering of himself to God, the Trinity and our Order. Solemn profession presupposes a prolonged preparation and a persevering apprenticeship. Trinitarian Stage of Formation EndThis justifies the Churches requirement that it be preceded by a period of temporary profession.

Following solemn profession our cleric candidates may be ordained as deacons and priests. The Trinitarian community encourages its members to engage in life-long formation.

Contact our Vocation Director.