The Trinitarians: Join Us
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How to Join Us: Discernment

Trinitarian DiscernmentFor most of us in religious life the first inclination toward a religious vocation began as a feeling. This feeling can manifest itself in many ways. It might be a strong feeling towards helping others, an attraction to belong to a community, a feeling that something essential is lacking in your life or even a cherished childhood memory of a particular priest or religious you admired. Perhaps these feelings are an indication that you are being called to serve God in a special way.

If you decide to explore these feelings, the Vocation Director of the Trinitarians will do his best to help you discern what God is calling you to do. Through our on-going conversation— be it through e-mail, telephone calls, or in letters— you will come to know the Trinitarians better and our Vocation Director will be able to assist you in the discernment process.

Occasionally this process leads to an invitation to visit one of our communities. Other times our Vocation Director may invite you to meet with him while he is traveling in your area. These are opportunities to deepen your relationship with the Trinitarian community.

After reflection and prayer on all that you have experienced, and with the recommendation of the Vocation Director, you may wish to apply for entrance to our postulancy program.