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Our Needs
Seminarian Support

The cost of educating, housing, feeding and clothing a young man preparing for the priesthood and religious life is significant.

The following are examples costs per seminarian in the United States:

• Seminary Tuition for One Semester   $4,120.00
• Books for One Semester   $590.00
• Clothing for One Year   $500.00
• Health Insurance for One Month   $160.00
• Food for One Week   $70.00

The cost to support a Trinitarian seminarian in India for one year is significantly less, at $1,200.00 per year. However, because God has blessed us with 87 seminarians in India, we desperately need your generous financial support to help bring these young men closer to their ordination day.

“There is no charity which you can give that will be
more pleasing to God than helping a young man, whom
He has called to the Priesthood, to realize his vocation.”

Fr. Cyprian Nusca, O.SS.T. July 7, 1936


Our apostolic work in India and Cairo, Egypt can only be accomplished with your help. Every day, Trinitarian priests and brothers are performing works of mercy for the poor and for the oppressed people of these regions.

Trinitarian Missions

Your support is an active participation in caring for those who are close to the heart of Jesus…the poor, the hungry, and the persecuted.